Hi everyone Just flagging up this email I sent a while ago to encourage you to think about messages we can [put out on your behalf to the wider industry. I believe that the Work Groups really are the life blood of Kantara so it would be great if we can highlight more about your work each month. I can’t make Tuesday afternoon calls so am really grateful for anything you can share back with me from the monthly meetings. Thanks in advance 😊 Karyn Bright | Communications From: Karyn Bright <karyn@kantarainitiative.org> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 6:36 PM To: lc@kantarainitiative.org Subject: Simple notes for Working Group comms Hi – great to “see” you all earlier! Each meeting it would be great if you could provide me with: 1. What aspect of identity took up most of your discussion time today (a problem or challenge statement is always great 😊) 2. What does this stop (or enable) us to do? 3. What feedback or input would you like from members on this? For instance, I picked up the short exchange about machine-readable TrustMarks on our website between Andrew and Ryan 1. We’re thinking about how relying parties can be assured that the identity organizations they are working with are still in possession of valid TrustMarks – i.e. not promoting certification that is out of date. 2. Is it time to move towards machine-readable marks that can be validated automatically? What would be the biggest challenges to this? 3. Did you know we publish details of all holders of active TrustMarks on our website – continuous assurance from the Kantara team! CTA: Join KI & participate in our working groups It would be great if you could drop me your notes after your regular meetings – I think adding them to the Minutes would be ideal! Best, Karyn Bright | Communications Mobile: +44 (0)7931 336458 Twitter: @KantaraNews LinkedIn: @KantaraInitiative