23 Jan
23 Jan
1:06 p.m.
Hi all, As discussed on our LC call, Paul Knowles has produced a BIT supplementary report (attached). The original report can be found here: https://kantarainitiative.org/download/blinding-identity-taxonomy-pdf/ Please review before our next LC monthly meeting, Feb 20, and reply to this email with any comments. I will also move it into our report template before the Feb 20th meeting Best, - Alec Alec Laws CTO Engineering | IDENTOS +1 (647) 822-1529 <+1+(647)822-1529+color=> alec@identos.ca <https://identos.ca/> [image: twitter] <https://twitter.com/aleclaws> [image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleclaws/>