Fwd: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider POSTING NEXT WEEK!

Hi everyone, I got permission to be able to share this news about the GSA schedule that will be released/open next week. It's a great opportunity for Kantara and our credential services provider members. Let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks to all of you and your support for the Kantara assurance programs. Kind regards, Kay *Kay Chopard | **Executive Director* *Twitter:* @KantaraNews *LinkedIn:* @KantaraInitiative ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) <Adam.Mcbride@psc.hhs.gov> Date: Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:29 AM Subject: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider POSTING NEXT WEEK! Hello Everyone, I wanted to let you know the solicitation for the new GSA SIN for Credential Service Providers (CSP) will be published next week. The CSPs can respond and get on the schedule! I have attached the template that the CSPs will need to fill out and return with the needed items to the solicitation source. This is very exciting, and you can share this with anyone. Just remember it will be posted next week! Respectfully, Adam McBride HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70 Rockville, MD 20850 P: (301) 451-1407 M: (202) 875-2514 <https://www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center>│ psc.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.psc.gov%2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1> │comments <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com%2fsurvey%2fdisplay%3fcid%3dDd9%2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ%3d%3d%26sid%3dlink-en%26cpp%255bPSCDivision%255d%3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1> ****I have accepted a new position and will be leaving HHS. My last day with HHS is 31 May. If there is anything that I need to address with you prior to me leaving, please let me know. Thank you**** *From:* Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) *Sent:* Monday, May 13, 2024 11:16 AM *Subject:* Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider Hello! Here is an extract from the Significant Changes for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation: iv. Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider 1. Managed service offering for component or full-service Credential Service Providers (CSPs) that meet the requirements of NIST SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines (current version), to include public facing and enterprise. On track for June and I just wanted to give you an update on the status of this action. Respectfully, Adam McBride HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70 Rockville, MD 20850 P: (301) 451-1407 M: (202) 875-2514 <https://www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center>│ psc.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.psc.gov%2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1> │comments <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com%2fsurvey%2fdisplay%3fcid%3dDd9%2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ%3d%3d%26sid%3dlink-en%26cpp%255bPSCDivision%255d%3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1>

Congratulations! This is worth a press release (or faux-press release) from Kantara. Eve Maler | cell and Signal +1 (425) 345-6756 <tel:+1-425-345-6756> Visit the Venn Factory <http://vennfactory.com/> Request a 15-minute consultation <https://fantastical.app/eve/15>
On May 22, 2024, at 12:07 PM, Kay Chopard <kay@kantarainitiative.org> wrote:
Hi everyone, I got permission to be able to share this news about the GSA schedule that will be released/open next week. It's a great opportunity for Kantara and our credential services provider members.
Let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks to all of you and your support for the Kantara assurance programs. Kind regards, Kay
Kay Chopard | Executive Director
Twitter: @KantaraNews
LinkedIn: @KantaraInitiative
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) <Adam.Mcbride@psc.hhs.gov <mailto:Adam.Mcbride@psc.hhs.gov>> Date: Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:29 AM Subject: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider POSTING NEXT WEEK!
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to let you know the solicitation for the new GSA SIN for Credential Service Providers (CSP) will be published next week. The CSPs can respond and get on the schedule! I have attached the template that the CSPs will need to fill out and return with the needed items to the solicitation source. This is very exciting, and you can share this with anyone. Just remember it will be posted next week!
Adam McBride
HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office
Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems
Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70
Rockville, MD 20850
P: (301) 451-1407
M: (202) 875-2514
<image001.png> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center>│ psc.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.psc.gov%2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1> │comments <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com%2fsurvey%2fdisplay%3fcid%3dDd9%2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ%3d%3d%26sid%3dlink-en%26cpp%255bPSCDivision%255d%3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1>
***I have accepted a new position and will be leaving HHS. My last day with HHS is 31 May. If there is anything that I need to address with you prior to me leaving, please let me know. Thank you***
From: Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 11:16 AM
Subject: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider
Here is an extract from the Significant Changes for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation:
iv. Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider 1. Managed service offering for component or full-service Credential Service Providers (CSPs) that meet the requirements of NIST SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines (current version), to include public facing and enterprise.
On track for June and I just wanted to give you an update on the status of this action.
Adam McBride
HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office
Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems
Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70
Rockville, MD 20850
P: (301) 451-1407
M: (202) 875-2514
<image001.png> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center>│ psc.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.psc.gov%2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1> │comments <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com%2fsurvey%2fdisplay%3fcid%3dDd9%2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ%3d%3d%26sid%3dlink-en%26cpp%255bPSCDivision%255d%3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1>
<credential-service-provider-capabilities-template-may-2024.docx><Draft_Significant Changes Attachment for MAS Refresh 21 - May 2024.pdf>_______________________________________________ Directors mailing list -- directors@kantarainitiative.org To unsubscribe send an email to directors-leave@kantarainitiative.org

This is great! Thanks, Kay, for helping advance this. This has also helped me better understand why an ISO27001 certification might be a good, complementary service for us to offer. Thanks, Andrew From: Kay Chopard <kay@kantarainitiative.org> Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 13:17 To: eve@xmlgrrl.com <eve@xmlgrrl.com> Cc: Kantara Board of Directors <directors@kantarainitiative.org>, Kantara Leadership Council <lc@kantarainitiative.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [BoD] Re: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider POSTING NEXT WEEK! Agreed! Kay Chopard Executive Director Kantara Initiative Inc. On May 22, 2024, at 1: 15 PM, eve@ xmlgrrl. com wrote: Congratulations! This is worth a press release (or faux-press release) from Kantara. Eve Maler | cell and Signal +1 (425) 345-6756 Agreed! Kay Chopard Executive Director Kantara Initiative Inc. [Image removed by sender.] On May 22, 2024, at 1:15 PM, eve@xmlgrrl.com wrote: Congratulations! This is worth a press release (or faux-press release) from Kantara. Eve Maler | cell and Signal +1 (425) 345-6756<tel:+1-425-345-6756> Visit the Venn Factory<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/vennfactory.com/__;!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN38HIEzH1w$> Request a 15-minute consultation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fantastical.app/eve/15__;!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN38zQ1nGHA$> On May 22, 2024, at 12:07 PM, Kay Chopard <kay@kantarainitiative.org> wrote: Hi everyone, I got permission to be able to share this news about the GSA schedule that will be released/open next week. It's a great opportunity for Kantara and our credential services provider members. Let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks to all of you and your support for the Kantara assurance programs. Kind regards, Kay Kay Chopard | Executive Director [Image removed by sender.] Twitter: @KantaraNews LinkedIn: @KantaraInitiative ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) <Adam.Mcbride@psc.hhs.gov<mailto:Adam.Mcbride@psc.hhs.gov>> Date: Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:29 AM Subject: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider POSTING NEXT WEEK! Hello Everyone, I wanted to let you know the solicitation for the new GSA SIN for Credential Service Providers (CSP) will be published next week. The CSPs can respond and get on the schedule! I have attached the template that the CSPs will need to fill out and return with the needed items to the solicitation source. This is very exciting, and you can share this with anyone. Just remember it will be posted next week! Respectfully, Adam McBride HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70 Rockville, MD 20850 P: (301) 451-1407 M: (202) 875-2514 <image001.png><https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center__;!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3-PthWTTg$>│ psc.gov<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http*3a*2f*2fwww.psc.gov*2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1__;JSUlJQ!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3_MXMw7ZQ$> │comments<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com*2fsurvey*2fdisplay*3fcid*3dDd9*2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ*3d*3d*26sid*3dlink-en*26cpp*255bPSCDivision*255d*3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3-WZOVLgQ$> <image002.jpg> ***I have accepted a new position and will be leaving HHS. My last day with HHS is 31 May. If there is anything that I need to address with you prior to me leaving, please let me know. Thank you*** From: Mcbride, Adam (OS/ASA/PSC/RLO) Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 11:16 AM Subject: Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider Hello! Here is an extract from the Significant Changes for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation: iv. Establish New SIN 541519CSP - Credential Service Provider 1. Managed service offering for component or full-service Credential Service Providers (CSPs) that meet the requirements of NIST SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines (current version), to include public facing and enterprise. On track for June and I just wanted to give you an update on the status of this action. Respectfully, Adam McBride HHS HSPD-12 Sr. IT Program Manager, Program Management Office Federal Lead – NextGen XMS and AMS systems Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics, and Operations U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 5600 Fishers Lane. Suite 2E-70 Rockville, MD 20850 P: (301) 451-1407 M: (202) 875-2514 <image001.png><https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/company/program-support-center__;!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3-PthWTTg$>│ psc.gov<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http*3a*2f*2fwww.psc.gov*2f&c=E,1,5NIgZcCVcdPZ_L__XH1CyAksnjm6A8d_wLYznKZVNvT17e4UCfNYBwq5Lo5_CwQukEvB5jf9VZ97V_I7x7xTLx6RVGvss-zCrqEsj5koN2nvgw,,&typo=1__;JSUlJQ!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3_MXMw7ZQ$> │comments<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2fsurvey.foreseeresults.com*2fsurvey*2fdisplay*3fcid*3dDd9*2ftPo9uhC0Qc2NQOZRuQ*3d*3d*26sid*3dlink-en*26cpp*255bPSCDivision*255d*3dPSC_email_signature&c=E,1,l2eMkYv6MxHkkFLe9h7Bpjl3sHJuJTaqOZZwG9f18O-GfSNC0uiqTMwNBT6P_PDiYBxTeCmP05eVCFHGNips7ipp0pS_sm47yVRpNb5RhtkpJGw,&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!LdDceIJK!oj21uMzmmRegypgS_mwUiCMGTL5ghHrY7KdyuM-SY7Qn4GM7L0akfHOodr_hr6U8TOhmvr1vxCoHN3-WZOVLgQ$> <image002.jpg> <credential-service-provider-capabilities-template-may-2024.docx><Draft_Significant Changes Attachment for MAS Refresh 21 - May 2024.pdf>_______________________________________________ Directors mailing list -- directors@kantarainitiative.org To unsubscribe send an email to directors-leave@kantarainitiative.org
participants (3)
Andrew Johnston
Kay Chopard