Reminder information for call at 12:00 noon Eastern Time

Kay Chopard
Executive Director 
Kantara Initiative Inc. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kay Chopard <>
Date: August 22, 2023 at 10:27:35 AM EDT
Cc: Jordan Burris <>, "Thompson, Eric" <>, Karyn Bright <>
Subject: DEIA Subcommittee notes and reminders

Hi everyone,
Jordan Burris and Eric Thompson sent out these notes from our last call. We had trouble with the Zoom link last month but hopefully have corrected it for our next meeting on Monday, August 28, at 12:00 PM Eastern Time.

I've attached the notes from the last call. The new email list for the group should be working. However, to be added to the email list and to fully access the workspace on the Wiki, please complete a Group Participation Agreement (GPA). Here is the link to the group on the Wiki page, Here is the link to sign up for access by completing the GPA form,

In the attached notes, you will see five action items. Please submit those items as requested by the close of business this Friday, August 25, so we can use that input to move forward on the next call.

Action Item Requests:
  1. A dedicated workspace was created for the Terminology/Taxonomy Work Effort - please let Jordan and Eric know if you'd like to volunteer for this work.