Hi all: We are scheduled to meet next Tuesday, August 27 at 12PM ET.  See below for Zoom details, draft agenda, group actions, and general reminders!  Reach out with any questions/concerns, regrets, etc, and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Zoom Details:


Meeting ID: 842 4912 5198

Passcode: 446871


Group Actions: 

Criteria for Assessing Efficacy  + Terminology and Taxonomy:  Please review and submit comments by the August 27 call.  The goal will be to move forward with a formal draft as a Kantara recommendation.

DEIA Survey QuestionsPlease review these in preparation for the August 27 discussion (goal will be to finalize these questions at this call).  

**Thank you for your time - your input is highly valued for the DEIA Survey, Criteria, and Terminology/Taxonomy! **


Open Call for Presentations: The DEIA Chair and Vice-Chair issue an open call for presentation proposals from organizations currently developing or undertaking DEIA initiatives within the identity space. These presentations will be an important part of the knowledge-building efforts of this subcommittee, and we welcome all proposals related to any aspect of DEIA initiative-building.  Please reach out to Jordan (jordan.burris@socure.com) and Peter (equalspeterd@gmail.com) directly to schedule.

GPA Sign-Ups: If you haven't already, please complete Kantara's GPA form to become a full participant of this subcommittee.  A GPA is required to gain add/edit access to the DEIA Wiki Space (Confluence software).

Resources:   Please continue to add resources to the DEIA Wiki Resources page to further develop the subcommittee's knowledge base.  As noted above: A Confluence account and permissions are required to add materials, and a completed GPA is the precursor to this!  

Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator

Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative