Hello Amanda and Team:
Hope all is well. I do not have this meeting in my calendar.
There was a cancellation, and I did not see a re-schedule. With regrets, I can not join today.
If there is an action for me, please share via an email – I will support.
Thank you.
Program Lead, RTR Operational Readiness Due Diligence
Office Closures: Aug 30 | Sept 2
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From: Amanda Gay <amanda@kantarainitiative.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 11:00 AM
To: sc-deia@kantarainitiative.org
Cc: Andrew Johnston <ajohnston@interac.ca>; Cosanna Preston-Idedia <cosanna.preston.idedia@idlab.org>; Prvu, Denny (He/Him/His) <denny.prvu@rbc.com>; elena.sanz@ubisecure.com; Peter Davis <equalspeterd@gmail.com>; Eric Hitch <eric.hitch@incode.com>;
Geraldine Bradshaw <gbradshaw@interac.ca>; general@kantarainitiative.org; Jordan Burris <jordan.burris@socure.com>; Karyn Bright <karyn@kantarainitiative.org>; Kay Chopard <kay@kantarainitiative.org>; lisa.maynard@id.me; Liz Banicki <liz.banicki@id.me>; Michael
Engle <michael@1kosmos.com>; olaf.grewe@nab.com.au; olaf@grewe.net; Sophia Dhrolia <sdhrolia@interac.ca>; Stephanie Schuckers <sschucke@clarkson.edu>; Wes Turbeville <wes.turbeville@id.me>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Kantara DEIA call, August 13 - Join in an hour!
Good morning all: Please join us in an hour for the next DEIA call.
Zoom details below: https: //us06web. zoom. us/j/82137150402?pwd=Y2t2RDc3Rkwvem55aUVGZDZEOS84UT09
Meeting ID: 821 3715 0402 Passcode: 585244 A draft agenda is available here for
Good morning all:
Please join us in an hour for the next DEIA call. Zoom details below:
Meeting ID: 821 3715 0402
Passcode: 585244
A draft agenda is available here for
review. Please confirm your attendance/send regrets via reply. Please note the group actions below!
Group Actions:
for Assessing Efficacy +
and Taxonomy:
Please review and submit comments by the August 13 call. The goal will be to move forward with a formal draft as a Kantara recommendation.
Survey Questions:
Please review these in preparation for the August 13 discussion
(goal will be to finalize these questions at this call).
**Thank you for your time - your input is highly valued for the DEIA Survey, Criteria, and Terminology/Taxonomy! **
Open Call for Presentations:
The DEIA Chair and Vice-Chair issue an open call for presentation proposals from organizations currently developing or undertaking DEIA initiatives within the identity space. These presentations
will be an important part of the knowledge-building efforts of this subcommittee, and we welcome all proposals related to any aspect of DEIA initiative-building. Please reach out to Jordan (jordan.burris@socure.com)
and Peter (equalspeterd@gmail.com) directly to schedule.
GPA Sign-Ups:
If you haven't already, please complete Kantara's
form to become a full participant of this subcommittee. A GPA is required to gain add/edit access to the
Wiki Space (Confluence software).
Please continue to add resources to the
Wiki Resources page to further develop the subcommittee's knowledge base.
As noted above: A Confluence account and permissions are required to add materials, and a completed GPA is the precursor to this!
Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator
Twitter: @KantaraNews
LinkedIn: @KantaraInitiative