Hi All,  (thanks Tim and Tara) 

It took a bit of working on compressing the video. Hopefully not too much.   I  had to install compression software, compress the video, and then on the 3rd attempt, I had to verify with google to upload a vid longer than 15 min,   (Arg. This means sending my ph to the USA with my profile so I can be ‘verified')   

Finally, these have been added in the ANCR Blogs; one on  Consent by Design with Standard Digital Privacy Transparency  on the ANCR Wiki.  As well as the first report to JTC 1  Committee.  Next report to them is  on  Addressing ethics and governance in generative AI with Standardized Digital Privacy Transparency, and then a  request to them for making ISO/IEC 29184 Online privacy notice and consent open and free to access.    The ANCR TPS Scheme could then be used to benchmark compliance (not just conformance) against this standard.    

All feedback is welcome of course, (thanks for that so far Sal)  I will give it another edit and polish 
