Another Code of Conduct reference

Hello everyone! Welcome to the official Algorand Discord! 

While we are mainly oriented towards developers, all sorts of members are encouraged to post and discuss their relevant topics. Enjoy the server everyone! Let us know if there's anything out of the norm 🙂 

S E R V E R R U L E S 

1. Respect each other. No insults, racism, sexism, homophobia, or threats. One warning, then a ban. 
2. No advertising, referral links, or other invitations. 
3. No NSFW content or profanity. 
4. Never share secret keys. Keep them to yourself. 
5. Don't send money to other users. Report if asked. Algorand team won't ask for money. 
6. No impersonation of moderation team members. Instant ban and report. 
7. Be aware that server communications may be monitored. No illegal discussions. 
8. Keep discussions in their respective channels. 
9. No price or trading talk here. Use for that. 
10. Moderation decisions are final. No arguing against moderators or admins. 

L I N K S 
Developer Portal: 
Developer Docs:

4 Lamson Place
Cambridge, MA 02139-2612
+1 617.201.4809