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From: Angelika Kerlin <>
Subject: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy, CADE 2024
Date: 30 January 2024 at 09:22:42 GMT-5
To: Trustworthy Digital Identity Interest Group <>

Dear all, 
This year marks a significant milestone for the International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE), as they celebrate their 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, CADE has been a great place for researchers, especially those in the early stages of their careers, to share their work, discuss ideas, and make professional connections. This year's programme will again take place in Venice, Italy, in a blended format, allowing participants to attend physically or virtually on 24-26 June 2024. 
We are getting in touch to let you know that this year’s call for submissions is now open with a deadline of the 3rd of March 2024. The themes cover AI in Health, AI in Finance, Digital Public Infrastructure, Smart Mobility, and Sustainability. You can submit an extended abstract (2 pages) or a full paper (6 pages). The conference proceedings will be published on IET and IEEE Xplore. 
More information can be found in the attachment, as well as on their website. Your participation would be very welcome. Please feel free to circulate to others within your network, who may also be interested.
With best wishes,
Publications from the previous conferences can be accessed via the following links: CADE 2021 / CADE 2022 / CADE 2023
Angelika Kerlin
Research Project Manager
Finance & Economics Programme
+44 203 8623 374
The Alan Turing Institute
Registered Charity  1162533 || Company Registration  09512457 || VAT no  270 0609 32
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