Yesterdays - ANCR-Consensus Protocol Spec  Notes 

We had a very progressive call, as consensus in practice starts to formalise and build  into a practice. 

The ,  meeting note can be found here , with the aim to continue this call every fortnight. 

We discussed the Transparency Performance Scheme for Regulators Podcast that Sal and I participated on with Mike from Gluu,  

We worked on ANCR WG operational consensus practice and started the  Policy.  The aim is to use this policy with the ANCR WG Consent Receipt Generator Demo we are working on, 

Next Calle we work on the ANCR WG - Meeting Notice - and Notice Policy.



On 10 Jul 2024, at 11:36, Mark Lizar <> wrote:

Hi Everyone, 

Today is the first 0PN Consensus Protocol call,  the minutes are here 

Please find below the proposed agenda for our meeting today. It's quite ambitious - please take time to review it before our call and let me know any suggested changes 30 minutes prior to the meeting latest.

Meeting Objective: To further define and formalise the ANCR WG Consensus Protocol as Framework 

  1. Develop a Consensus Protocol Roadmap, and detail the plan and  actions (with owners) required to accomplish the following goals:  - e.g. add consensus policy to charter and agreement to wiki, document process to get consensus protocol receipt. Etc, 

  2. Review and Collaborate:
    1. Review the framework and noodle outline 
    2. Agree on an initial scope and outline of  the ANCR WG Consensus policy, detail/further capture the  process formula for Consensus ettique and its accompanying notices, notifications, disclosures, and risks within the 

  3. Specify Objectives:
    1. Plan to Implement the Protocol draft, specify the etiquette for its use, and provide a notification for the ANCR Consensus Protocol policy and WG operations. 
    2. Provide/start/evolve a living FAQ/guide to using and developing this Consensus Protocol with the spec and its use.

Call information 

ANCR Zoom Meeting INFO

Meeting ID: 872 8226 3538
Passcode: 255697
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