Hi Everyone, 

Today is the first 0PN Consensus Protocol call,  the minutes are here 

Please find below the proposed agenda for our meeting today. It's quite ambitious - please take time to review it before our call and let me know any suggested changes 30 minutes prior to the meeting latest.

Meeting Objective: To further define and formalise the ANCR WG Consensus Protocol as Framework 

  1. Develop a Consensus Protocol Roadmap, and detail the plan and  actions (with owners) required to accomplish the following goals:  - e.g. add consensus policy to charter and agreement to wiki, document process to get consensus protocol receipt. Etc, 

  2. Review and Collaborate:
    1. Review the framework and noodle outline 
    2. Agree on an initial scope and outline of  the ANCR WG Consensus policy, detail/further capture the  process formula for Consensus ettique and its accompanying notices, notifications, disclosures, and risks within the 

  3. Specify Objectives:
    1. Plan to Implement the Protocol draft, specify the etiquette for its use, and provide a notification for the ANCR Consensus Protocol policy and WG operations. 
    2. Provide/start/evolve a living FAQ/guide to using and developing this Consensus Protocol with the spec and its use.

Call information 

ANCR Zoom Meeting INFO

Meeting ID: 872 8226 3538
Passcode: 255697

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcRfMUvYjl