Just to recap on my remark during last week's IAWG meeting concerning approved criteria amendments which have yet to be formally published by Kantara, these are: 63A#0180, which provided a more granular breakdown of acceptable evidential document strengths and combinations. 63A#0192, '#0212, '#0700, '#0710, which permitted a consistent and criteria-driven approach to addressing Comparable Alternatives. And in addition, I would recommend that 63A#0110 be split as follows (surely not a material change?), since it states two discrete requirements which would be better addressed as such: 63A#0100 The CSP's CrPS SHALL reflect the structure of its CrP and SHALL include control information detailing how the CSP handles proofing errors or other circumstances that result in an Applicant not being successfully enrolled. 63A#0102 and The CSP's CrPS SHALL include control information detailing how the CSP handles proofing errors or other circumstances that result in an Applicant not being successfully enrolled. But if this would impose any delay in getting the more tangible revisions published, let it go. Thanks, Richard G. WILSHER CEO & Founder, Zygma Inc. www.Zygma.biz +1 714 797 9942