Dear IAWG Members:

Please join us in an hour for the next IAWG meeting. 

The proposed agenda and Zoom details are below. 

Date and Time

DRAFT Agenda
  1. Administration:

  1. IAWG Actions/Reminders/Updates:

    • Adjusted meeting cadence for May:

      • May 30

    • Auditor Introduction

      • James Keenan

      • David Nutbrown

  2. ISO 17065 Discussion Items

  3. Group Discussion:  

    • Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions: 63A#0180 - proposed criteria adjustment (circulated by email 2024.04.06 by Richard Wilsher, attached for convenience) 

      • In Progress - Proposed supplement to NIST related to evidence requirements 

    • Continued discussion if needed: Proposed S3A edits to enhance transparency (as proposed to ARB) - Jimmy Jung

    • Assessment Program Question from 04.26.2024 - Assessment Program Question (attached for convenience)

  4. Any Other Business

Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator

Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative