Hi IAWG - part of our mandate is to review and provide contribution to organizations as they develop ID Assurance schemes and frameworks. Australia has an open consultation directed towards rules and standards supporting their new Digital ID Act 2024. Should IAWG engage in this consultation? andrew. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Digital ID Legislation Engagement < DigitalIDLegislationEngagement@finance.gov.au> Date: Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 5:43 AM Subject: Digital ID Rules Q&A Webinar [SEC=OFFICIAL] To: Digital ID Legislation Engagement < DigitalIDLegislationEngagement@finance.gov.au> *OFFICIAL* Good afternoon, The Digital ID Bill has passed through Parliament and the new *Digital ID Act 2024* is expected to commence by 1 December 2024. The Department of Finance is finalising the four-week period of public and stakeholder consultations <https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say/2024-digital-id-rules-accreditation-rules-and-data-standards> regarding updated exposure drafts of the Accreditation and Digital ID Rules (Rules) and the Accreditation Data Standards (Standards), which are expected to be made by the Minister for Finance for commencement of the legislation. The consultation process has been live since *Tuesday, 28 May* and is set to conclude on *Tuesday 25 June 2024* when all written submissions are due. You are welcome to join us on *Wednesday the 19**th** of June 2024 at 9:30am to 11:30am* to ask any questions or provide feedback on the Rules and Standards <https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say/2024-digital-id-rules-accreditation-rules-and-data-standards> that are out for consultation before the consultation closes. This webinar session will also provide you with some general themes of feedback we have received to date from other digital ID engagements held throughout the consultation period. You can register your interest in attending here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/e7a9b1fe-620e-4c10-8873-ef3558b9cbc... If you are interested in making a formal submission, you can also upload a written submission to the Digital ID Consultation Hub <https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say/2024-digital-id-rules-accreditation-rules-and-data-standards> . We highly value your contributions to the development of this important framework. *Digital ID and Data Policy Division* Governance and Resource Management Group Department of Finance *A: *One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603