For those joining, I don't have the draft of the criteria ready yet so we'll push that item on the agenda till next meeting.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 11:01 AM Amanda Gay via WG-IDAssurance <> wrote:
Dear IAWG Members:
Please join us today in one hour for our next IAWG meeting. 

The proposed agenda and Zoom details are below. 

Date and Time

DRAFT Agenda 02.15.2024

  1. Administration:

  2.  IAWG Actions/Reminders/Updates:

    • Address of Record Position:

      • Presented to ARB Monday, Feb 12

    • Group reminder: February 22, EU-US TTC WG-1 (Working Group 1) Webinar: Unpacking the Digital Identity Mapping Results (registration details coming soon - please check back). 

  3. Discussion:  

    • EU-US TTC WG-1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report; feedback due 11:59PM ET, February 29, 2024

    • Richard Wilsher - Interpretation of criteria 

      • Review Yehoshua’s draft of criteria (first point regarding multi-factor authentication)

      • Continue discussion on second criteria question (superior evidence)

  4. Any Other Business

Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator

Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative

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Yehoshua Silberstein | Associate Counsel, Core Product

(857) 577-8144

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