AOB – I have two fun AOB topics to put to the group concerning interpretation of criteria, time permitting.


Richard G. WILSHER
CEO & Founder,  Zygma Inc.
+1 714 797 9942


From: Amanda Gay via WG-IDAssurance []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 18:30
Subject: [WG-IDAssurance] Invitation & Agenda for IAWG Call 2024-01-18


Dear IAWG Members:

Please join us at 12pm US Eastern Time Thursday, January 18, for our first IAWG meeting of 2024. 


The proposed agenda and Zoom detail are below. 


Date and Time

·    Date: Thursday, 2024-01-18

·    Time: 9:00 PT | 12 noon ET (time zone calculator)

o   Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: 

o   Meeting ID: 931 6796 5850

o   Passcode: 884696

o   You can also dial in using your phone. Find your local number:

o   Need to add IAWG meetings to your calendar? Do so here!

Agenda 1.18.2024

1. Administration:

o   Roll call, determination of quorum.

§  Voting: 

§  Non-Voting: 

§  Staff:

§  Guests: 

o   Minutes approval 

§  2023-12-14 Minutes DRAFT

§  2023-11-30 Minutes DRAFT 

o   Kantara Updates

o   Assurance Updates

2.  Discussion:  

o   2024 Leadership Election - Chair and Vice Chair Nominations

o   Address of Record Position: Wiki Link

o   Final review for comments and changes: 2024 Charter Review Process 

§  Staff to send e-ballot after meeting

o   EU-US TTC WG-1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report; feedback due 11:59PM ET, February 29, 2024

3.     Any Other Business




Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator


Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative