Could you pls clarify why there is no longer any Kantara-provided secretariat support?  Did I miss an important / relevant announcement?

This seems like a pretty important body for KI and yet to expect pro bono contribution for that role seems to be stretching it a bit.


Richard G. WILSHER
CEO & Founder,  Zygma Inc.
+1 714 797 9942


From: Andrew Hughes []
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:19
Subject: [WG-IDAssurance] IAWG Meeting agenda 2025-02-13



Agenda for this week's call:


  • Regular standing items
  • Refinement on proposed Purpose/Scope text for the 2025 IAWG Charter - hope to complete on this call if possible
  • Leadership candidates/election completion - if we have quorum we can elect or seat leadership candidates by acclimation. Nomination period is still open. So far we have Yehoshua Silberstein for Chair and Andrew Hughes for Vice-Chair. We really could use an active Secretary to take notes, post stuff and maintain the action items log.

See you on Thursday February 13, 2025 Noon Eastern



Kantara Initiative is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 931 6796 5850 Passcode: 884696

Andrew Hughes CISM 

mobile/signal +1 250.888.9474