Dear IAWG Members:
Please join us in an hour for our next IAWG meeting (live from Vegas!) or head over to Copperleaf 6 if you are attending Identiverse!

The proposed agenda and Zoom details are below. 

Date and Time

DRAFT AGENDA 5.30.2024

  1. Administration:

  1. IAWG Actions/Reminders/Updates:

    • Proposed Meeting Cadence for June/Extended Summer

      • June 13, June 27

      • July 11, July 25

      • August 8, August 22

    • Informal poll from LC to determine overall use of AI in report/content generation (goal is to decide whether a policy is needed)

      • "Have you used Chat-gpt or other AI tools to help generate or contribute to any group content or reports?"

  2. ISO 17065 Discussion Items

  3. Group Discussion:  

    • IAWG, US Assurance, UK Certification Work in 2024

  4. Any Other Business

Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator

Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative