Dear IAWG Members:
Please join us in an hour today, November 30, for our next IAWG meeting. 

The proposed agenda and Zoom details are below. 

Date and Time

Proposed Agenda 11.30.2023

  1. Administration:

    • Roll call

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara Updates

    • Assurance Updates

    • Kantara Initiative Comments Preparation for NIST’s Implementation of National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology - Denny Prvu has registered an intent to submit on behalf of Kantara Initiative and will be sending comments for review and feedback to the listserv.  

  2.  Discussion:  

    • Continued Address of Record Discussion

    • Charter and restructuring

  3. Any Other Business


Amanda Gay | Administrative Coordinator

Twitter:    @KantaraNews

LinkedIn:  @KantaraInitiative