Hello IAWG! It's time to review/renew our WG Charter. Yehoshua and I have refined the front sections of the charter and have started to adjust it in light of Kantara US seeing accreditation under ISO 17065. No major changes - just trying to set IAWG up for success particularly during the development of next-generation assessment criteria. The plan is to discuss this text this week and approve the updated Charter on February 13. thanks! andrew. *Purpose & Scope:* The Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) supports Kantara in developing and maintaining assessable identity assurance criteria for the Kantara US Identity Assurance Program and other relevant frameworks. IAWG ensures that criteria define measurable methods for compliance rather than restating requirements. The workgroup provides subject matter expertise to Kantara, advises the Assurance Review Board (ARB), and facilitates discussions on identity proofing, authentication, and assurance. IAWG's focus is on defining certification criteria that align with the specific functions organizations perform within identity proofing and authentication. The workgroup remains technology- and vendor-agnostic while emphasizing strategic and policy-oriented assurance practices. *RESPONSIBILITIES:* • Assist Kantara in developing and evolving identity assurance criteria that support certification of specific identity proofing and authentication functions. • Ensure that criteria are assessable and define how compliance must be demonstrated. • Provide expert input on identity assurance policies, standards, and interoperability with other assurance schemes. • Advise Kantara leadership and the ARB on assurance-related topics. • Engage with other Kantara groups to align identity assurance efforts with broader industry needs. *Andrew Hughes *CISM mobile/signal +1 250.888.9474 AndrewHughes3000@gmail.com *https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a>*