Hello IAWG Members,

Please join us at 12pm US Eastern Time for our next IAWG meeting. We are so close to wrapping up our criteria review!!

If you have not done so yet, please take a moment to complete the 2023 Kantara Initiative DEIA survey.  The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KI_DEIA.

The proposed agenda and Zoom detail are below. 

Date and Time

Proposed Agenda
  1. Administration:
  2.  Discussion:  
    • 800-63-3 Criteria Issues to Resolve - almost done!! All files can be found on the linked wiki page. This week may likely wrap up the updates. 
      • T5-1 notification
      • supervised remote proofing proposal
      • OPD#0010
      • S3A
  3. Any Other Business
Lynzie Adams
Assurance Program Manager