

If the group will be working on the new draft privacy requirements on the 20th, when will we be reviewing the PEMC Early Implementor’s Guidance Report?  (For my part, October 4th is preferred, given that I will be attending the WG4 and WG10 meetings over the next two weeks).




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Loffie Jordaan

Business Solutions Architect



Phone: 703.908.5864





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From: Christopher Williams <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 15:55
To: pemc kantara <>
Subject: [WG-PEMC] 9/13 PEMC WG meeting cancelled


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Hello Everyone,


Due to conflicts and heads down work on the report we are going to cancel the WG meeting for tomorrow.  As a reminder, next week on the 20th we will begin discussion of the new draft privacy requirements.


