wow! thanks for sharing I am very interested in topic! Irene Graff Apple One Apple Park Way, 306-3WPE Cupertino, California, 95014 iPhone 1.408.806.2137 igraff@apple.com
On Jan 29, 2024, at 10:13 AM, Jordaan, Loffie <LJordaan@aamva.org> wrote:
Interesting article indeed. It describes the purpose and function of an acceptance network in the abstract. The Digital Trust Service that AAMVA is standing up (https://aamva.org/identity/mobile-driver-license-digital-trust-service) is one example of how such an acceptance network can be implemented.
<image001.png> <http://www.aamva.org/> Loffie Jordaan Business Solutions Architect
Phone: 703.908.5864 Email: ljordaan@aamva.org <mailto:ljordaan@aamva.org> aamva.org <http://www.aamva.org/>
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From: John Wunderlich <john@wunderlich.ca <mailto:john@wunderlich.ca>> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 10:46 To: WG PEMC <wg-pemc@kantarainitiative.org <mailto:wg-pemc@kantarainitiative.org>> Subject: [WG-PEMC] Acceptance Networks for Self-Sovereign Identity
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Have a better than expected day, John Wunderlich
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