It looks like 63-4 is headed for another public response period.
Note that they have switched to the issuer-holder-verifier format.

Most of the responses from Kantara have been from the IA folk who are focused on the audit POV.
Perhaps we needs something from the developer POV?

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Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 7:09 AM
Subject: NEW BLOG | Progress - NIST’s Digital Identity Guidelines
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Cybersecurity Insights

a NIST Blog

A Note on Progress…NIST’s Digital Identity Guidelines.

In August 2023 the Digital Identity Guidelines team hosted a two-day workshop to provide a public update on the status of revision 4. As part of that session, we committed to providing further information on the status of each volume going forward. In fulfillment of this commitment, we wanted to offer a quick update on where we stand.

Our goal remains to have the next version of each volume out by the Spring of 2024. With our gratitude for the robust and substantive engagement we received during the comment period, at this time we would like to announce that all four volumes of Special Publication 800-63-4 will have a second public comment period, which will last at least 45 days.

  • NIST SP 800-63 Base Volume. We are making substantive changes to the volume including updating the digital identity model to account for “Issuer, Holder, Verifier” frameworks of digital identity, new content...

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