I was informed last week that we have a *new *'Join Zoom Meeting #:and access code: *ATTENTION WE HAVE A N NEW Join Zoom Meeting link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87605872193?pwd=HQI7AJKhLvpgtUxKyOYANVUKzsZW3U.1 <https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87605872193?pwd=HQI7AJKhLvpgtUxKyOYANVUKzsZW3U.1>Meeting ID: 876 0587 2193Passcode: 157149 *A list of call numbers was not provided and if a list of # 's are available I will ask Amanda to share such with us tomorrow morning.. Good evening! The revised DII document link is below and Tom, Sal, Noreen and I again reviewed and addressed items that needed attention that were accepted. The attached DII has a few fine tuning thoughts by Noreen and me for your review, comments and or corrections. Please read the document and be prepared to vote or provide a proxy so we can forward the DII to the LC Chair; thank you. The Kantara Leadership Council will be meeting next week, and if tomorrow our WG accepts changes made, we should be able to place the DII in their hands for a final review and acceptance. Once that is accomplished, maybe we can find a funding source and a demonstration partner. Tom shared with us a Homeland Security notice of six 'wallet' projects DHS was funding; surely there are others out there - let's discuss.. Have a nice evening, Jim Kantara RIUP WG Digital Identifier Inclusion Draft 9 5 15 24_ENDORSED.docx <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jaY6yNopxCFC_3sBgeddnmM1psVkLmnS/edit?usp=sharing_eil_m&rtpof=true&sd=true&ts=6693d6ef>