Good evening and hope all are well and having a good summer.

Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations Work Group (RIUP -WG)

 Tuesday August 15, 2023 

 Zoom Meeting Link


Meeting ID: 970 4910 0495           Passcode: 351 971    

+13462487799,,97049100495#,,,,*351971# US (Houston)

+16465588656,,97049100495#,  *351971# US (New York)

Tom shared the link below with us during our last meeting seeking our input and we delivered. Since then he has had 2 sessing with the OWF technical group with some
interesting and valued input and he will also provide us with some interesting insight; i.e. frame 6 .  Please do not lose sight that Tom did comment that the RIUP wg, 
under the Kantara Initiative, could have a team building role nationally----  will let Tom provide some thoughts and we can discuss.

Have a restful evening,
Open Wallet Architecture Experience and Inclusion