Good evening to all!

 We will not have a RIUP WG meeting tomorrow. We will regroup Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 1 PM ET,  starting with the election of leadership chairs.

For leadership roles and functions  please review Kantara link and activities.

This is an open invitation for others interested in serving to make their interest known to work group members or one of the current elected chairs by 
December 31, 2024, so WG members can be notified.  As of today Noreen, Justin and I have put their names in the election hat for 2025.

I would like to offer up a special 'Thank You' to Tom Jones for his doc-Editing support, Noreen for her Secretary  efforts and Dr Tom for his Co-Chair contribution.

May all have safe and happy holidays and a joyful Christmas with family and friends,
Be well,

Jim, chair