I just sent Jim a text. I’m teaching today and trying to connect via the school WiFi but having trouble getting past the firewall. It just told me I tried too many times.

I’m going to look for the dial in number but if anyone can text that to me please do. I also forgot my earbuds so I was going to have to hold it over my ear anyway.


On Feb 17, 2025, at 8:42 PM, jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com> wrote:

OVERsight   forgot to change the date to February 18th

On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 8:34 PM jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com> wrote:
 Meeting ID: 850 7719 7313 Passcode: 000935

Good evening to all!

There are two items on our agenda tomorrow. The first 30 minutes will be devoted to refreshing the RIUP Charter with Justin (Vice Chair) and Noreen (Secretary) guiding us through
 the review process with a focus on the first two paragraphs. 

The remaining 30 minutes of our WG meeting will be devoted to hopefully approving the Inclusive Purpose Consent Query (PCQ) document. Tom J. has been the lead on this effort  and has revised the red content on page 9.

The document (link) content has been generally accepted by the WG with the exception of page 9 content entitled Verifier Processing of Holder Response. If the revised content is approved or is revised, and accepted,  the WG can then vote on approving the PCQ document so it can be reviewed by the Leadership Council.   

May all have a restful night and a good week,
