Tend to move as family
Tend to be more than one worker per family
Only one phone per family
Phone can be lost or lent to someone else
Organization providing services:
United Farmworkers
Cirrus (spelling)
Low assurance since it is used for more than one person.
Credentials themselves could have high assurance
How it works
Assign a DID
User gets the wallet and user attaches the credentials they want to it
High quality credentials associated with the DID
Enables lightweight identity structure
Can’t do heavy weight without enrollment system
Successful Use Cases:
Louisiana allows people to place in a digital wallet for $6
Red Cross and Farm Workers' Union have “Circle of Trust/Identity” that allows individuals within one's social group to attest to a person’s identity
Ukraine: online bank accounts are attached to mobile devices used to verify identity
Other Possible Use Cases:
Services in other countries (Simone)
Going on foreign travel soon
Interested to see how 3rd world countries handle ID for various purposes.
United Way (TomJ)
Concerned about deduplication to avoid fraud. Deduplication is contracted out to another entity. 2 methods: avoid killing patients, avoid fraud. Carmen at ONC working on patient matching.
Bev: Classification needs to be dynamic, multidimensional to address multitude of complex situations
Tom: Identity and identifier (association with the identity) needs to be separate
Bev: Self-asserted identity