Jim Can you try this Zoom link? https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87499194761?pwd=cmhDTHBXV2VTbFBMZzllMlZVbnFoZz09 [signature_1620354368] Jorge Flores | Co-founder and CTO | Email: jorge@entidad.io | https://www.entidad.io<https://www.entidad.io/> From: jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com> Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 10:10 AM To: Tom Jones <thomasclinganjones@gmail.com>, Noreen Whysel. Brett <nwhysel@gmail.com>, Bev Corwin <bevcorwin@gmail.com>, Justin Byrd <justin@machi-systems.com>, Salvatore D'Agostino <sal@idmachines.com>, Simone Alcorn <salcorn@easydynamics.com>, Thomas Sullivan <tsullivan@drfirst.com>, Isha Chhatwal <ichhatwa@gmail.com>, Jeff Brennan <jeff_brennan@sbcglobal.net>, Jorge Flores <jorge@entidad.io>, wg-riup <wg-riup@kantarainitiative.org> Cc: Amanda Gay <amanda@kantarainitiative.org>, Kay Chopard Cohen <kay@kantarainitiative.org>, Alec L <alec@identos.ca> Subject: Re: RIUP WG meeting tomorrow November 5, 1 PM ET Have been trying to connect with no such luck Zor support from zoom On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 5:49 PM jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com<mailto:kragh65@gmail.com>> wrote: Setting the stage: Tom sent a link out about an hour an hour ago thanking Bev for sharing a document https://edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2024/11/what-self-sovereign-identi... and responded: - I read it to say that it puts privacy in the hands of the subject of the credential. As things stand today this is flat wrong and I think we need to understand why. Thanks Tom for sending your recent message to the WG. That was the focus of my message (below) last week. There are two items in play for our meeting tomorrow regarding the PCQ document: the 'consent-recept' that Tom and Sal have advanced in prior meetings (security, privacy, access control, audit trail) and so noted as one of the 23 findings in the Internet of Things Advisory Board's report. (https://www.nist.gov/itl/applied-cybersecurity/nist-cybersecurity-iot-progra...). The 2nd item, which Justin has also shared some thoughts on, is a secondary communication back-up structure/node when the internet goes down. Have a nice evening and please review the updated content that Tom shared,....comments can be made directly to the doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n7HobJ6QTsNld5rn1uuIiNw0A__L44ug/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109794657323597753486&rtpof=true&sd=true Jim https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87605872193?pwd=HQI7AJKhLvpgtUxKyOYANVUKzsZW3U.1 Meeting ID: 876 0587 2193 Passcode: 157149 One tap mobile +13052241968,,87605872193#,,,,*157149# US +13092053325,,87605872193#,,,,*157149# US Dial by your location • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 689 278 1000 US (Last week's message)! At the last meeting Tom J. led the discussion on reviewing the draft Inclusive Purpose Consent Query (PCQ) document. Nearing the end of that call a question was raised, what happens when the internet is taken down by a hurricane, or tornado? What might be a fallback network, or infrastructure, FEMA or FirstNet, or is there some other possible solution? The forgoing became real for me during the recent hurricane that visited Florida and North Caroline. Florida was bad but NC was devastating. My dear friends, who live nearby, have family and friends there, as did I, but they suffered the loss and had injuries. Within two days, my friends stocked up their RV and headed to NC and were shocked at the destruction. Several days later, they sent me the message (below) that raised the communication challenge that Tom raised two months ago and again earlier this month. [Here is the message I received from NC: "Private retired military personnel from Florida are desperately trying to find private helicopters to rescue victims. In other words the government is not only helping but are trying to prevent others from doing so (no way to communicate). For those interested, this link is a video by SEAL Shawn Ryan about several rescue teams in NC mountains now: https://youtu.be/KgPYPEnmYnc?si=0bxMPDvxydsxaP-s Please find attached an updated PCQ draft, (Inclusive Purpose Consent Query, Version 7, KI-RUIP-WG draft-Date 2024-10-15) which is updated for your review and input for our November 5th meeting. Yes, please vote, and please review the document so you are ready to contribute to the WG discussion. Have a good week and thank you.