Project theme?: *An All Empowering dID Ecosystem; No One Left Behind * *Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations Work Group (**R**IUP* * -WG)* *Tuesday Sept 5, 2023:* *Zoom **Meeting Link* https://zoom.us/j/97049100495?pwd=TmRDM1FYR3krMnNXRnl6cTVndUEyZz09 *Meeting ID:* 970 4910 0495 * Passcode*: 351 971 +13462487799,,97049100495#,,,,*351971# US (Houston) +16465588656,,97049100495#, *351971# US (New York) Here the deck we discussed i have been working on with the Open Wallet Foundation Inclusion which started here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14S4Jz4-lYDShL0fI2h4go3yPMCW6DbzNtUYp... Tom will lead our discussion and in doing so please review again the link above on inclusion.......that is every unique functioning individual or their appointed guardian. Have a nice evening, Jim