My parents were visiting with us last week and, as I believe you all know now, we all got COVID. We ran into trouble with ordering medication for my dad who is 79, early Alzheimer’s, but still in control of his own healthcare. My mom wanted to check on the Rx order at Walgreens to see if the meds were filled and reduce the number of times she needed to run to the store. But she was not able to get my dad’s consent to access his order because he needed his own account. But he doesn’t have a working email anymore. Then she wanted to check MyChart to see if his new diabetes medicine was ordered, but she couldn’t access his record. Same reason. So she’s back to waiting on hold forever because she had to call all the providers directly. At some point, and given GenZ’s preference for social media over email, I wonder how soon email will no longer be a requirement, or the only requirement. Noreen