The presentation we had been working on was attached to Jim's email. Open Wallet Architecture Experience and Inclusion The question raised last time was == Should the WG convert this to a Kantara Report? ..tom On Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 7:48 PM jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com> wrote:
*Topic: RIUP Make-up Conference Call Co-Chair Jim Kragh Time: Sep 12, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)* Join Zoom Meeting * (THIS LINK IS AN OUT OF CYCLE, ONE TIME USE ZOOM MEETING LINK FOR THIS CALL ONLY)* https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81066622226?pwd=L3RiZkFKT0xWbWhXbVB6Y1ZrSFRMUT09 * Meeting ID: 810 6662 2226 Passcode: 446287**_* I hope you all had a nice weekend. Please join me in a makeup RIUP con-call.
We will continue with Tom Jones on the "Open Wallet' discussion......here are the links he shared:
Here are the two decks i have been working on with the Open Wallet
Foundation Inclusion which started here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14S4Jz4-lYDShL0fI2h4go3yPMCW6DbzNtUYp... Wallets trusted by gov't https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12oKDCb5jBBZIobHXJWwNNV_YbMzvVRn5w2GD...
*If time permits we will continue with the message I shared last week.*
*The National Institute of Standards and Technology is asking for collaborators to participate in a new project on how to "accelerate" the adoption of digital identities for mobile devices using two international standards. August 30, 2023*
NIST is seeking several categories of collaborators – “Issuing Authorities, digital identity solutions providers, Verifiers (also known as Relying Parties), and third-party trust service providers” – to participate in developing and testing implementation schemes, according to the *project description* <https://www.nccoe.nist.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/mdl-project-description-final-r1.pdf> published in June.
ABSTRACT There are several new digital credentials-based standards emerging and they are all silos operating in specific environments and written for specific contexts. As such, there is a lack of foundational, strongly verifiable, and trustable digital credentials available to make transition to today’s mobile device platforms. NCCoE cybersecurity experts will address this challenge through collaboration with Issuing Authorities, digital identity solutions providers, Verifiers (also known as Relying Parties), and third-party *trust service providers*. …… Let’s discuss: KI’s mission is to provide a Trust Framework service, should the RIUP and other Kantara’s WG leadership explore contributing to NCCOE’s mission?
The project description says, “While this project is centered on mDLs defined in ISO/IEC 18013-5*, the concepts explored in this project will be extended to any credentialed Identity such as federal government issued credentials for agency employees or program beneficiaries, corporate credentials, travel credentials, health credentials, etc.”….. this includes the Underserved Population.*
Have a good week, remembering 9/11, may God continue to Bless America!
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