Accessibility of web sites is only a smart part of DII, but it is the first step in enabling of a DII for all eligible people. On 2023-12-21 the Office of Management and Budget released the first new guidance on the accessibility of Federal websites in over a decade. While all agencies are bound by section 298, only 23:% were fully compliant. About one in four Americans have a disability, or 61 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Without some sort of monitoring of conformance the accessibility has been declining. The new guidelines are designed to enable monitoring of section 508, but that does not go far into enabling a DII. Perhaps legislation on DII is required to include it as part of the OMB continuing compliance guidelines. (OMV 2023) Natalie Alms, "OMB releases ‘broad’ accessibility guidance for government tech" (20223-12-21) https://www.nextgov.com/digital-government/2023/12/omb-releases-broad-access... Office of Management and Budget, "OMB Releases Digital Accessibility Guidance to Ensure All Americans Have Ability to Access Critical Government Resources" The White House (2023-12-21) https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/briefing-room/2023/12/21/omb-releases-digital... Perhaps this information can be accommodated in a future release of DII. Be the change you want to see in the world ..tom