Meeting ID: 850 7719 7313 Passcode: 000935
Agenda: 1) Tom Jones ref PCQ
At 1PM Tom will again ask for comments ref PCQ doc., version 13 24 25, and a possible WG vote of acceptance
2) At 1:30 PM Justin, Vice Chair, and Noreen, will continue with their suggested charter revisions:
3) If time permits, I will share a Prison Ministry project, "Empowering Change", committed to providing innovative real time vocational training
using virtual reality (VR) technology. A partnership represents a new era of opportunity for
individuals impacted by incarceration, equipping them with
the skills necessary to secure stable employment and a credential. The mission is to support individuals affected by incarceration and create pathways that
sustain living situations. The holistic approach addresses the various challenges faced by returning citizens, including obstacles of stable housing and
employment and to provide them with a comprehensive solution to break the cycle of
Have a restful evening,