*RIUP's 1st/3rd Tuesday Meeting Link:* https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87499194761?pwd=cmhDTHBXV2VTbFBMZzllMlZVbnFoZz09 Meeting ID: 874 9919 4761 *Passcode: 837815* Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 874 9919 4761 Passcode: 837815 *Good afternoon! * *Agenda:* The RIUP Digital Identifier Inclusion document is in the hands of the Kantara Leadership Council for review and acceptance. Our next step involves the *RIUP Use Cases URL *link (content below if link fails) . https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-amM1fVtVKEILrXFbLBnVZ9S_BfpZW3s/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109794657323597753486&rtpof=true&sd=true *Before we will tackle* *USE CASES* *with Tom*, we will start with a follow up session from two weeks ago with Jorge Flores, with ENTIDAD. Jorge will be joining RIUP WG, and today he will be sharing with us how he and his colleagues have reached out and engaged rural communities, farmworkers and their ecosystems. I envision we will hear some proven and basic take-away themes regarding ground level engagement; first steps in building trust using core technology. May all have a good afternoon and evening, enjoy family and friends, JIm =====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a copy of the RUIP USE CASE content if the link above fails Farmworker in a Foreign Country Moderator: Tom Jones The details will vary from country to country but the barriers remain to be resolved wherever they arise. Each Subject Needs - Right to Work legally (H2A, Green Card, etc) - Medical Care (eg access to Medicaid or other tax supported programs) - Farm and Food Workers relief grantFood and Farmworkers relief program (FFWR) <https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/ffwr> (created during Pandemic) some documentation not including immigration status (etc) - Proof of work status to get service (when person is not documented) (photo of paystub, letter) - Credentials to include scanned documents (See Tom’s youtube video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq4hw7X5SW0>) - Cannot receive USPS mail - Support self, wife, children (delegated authority) - Send payments home - Receiving cash distributions (virtual debit card) May arrive after the farmworker has move on - Use someone else’s phone to access personal records or apply for a benefit - Paying taxes and unscrupulous attacks, including online attacks (e.g. example FFWR fraud incident <https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/delano-pd-scammers-attempt-to-defraud-farmworkers-of-their-direct-relief-payments> ) Solution - Identifier - user created is a possibility, but enterprise created email address is common - Notifications of changes of breaches from enterprises that hold user data - Can there be a back-up data store in the cloud to restore after loss of phone - Verifiable Credentials and decentralized Identifiers. - Account with consulate - Nonprofits like the Centro Cultural Mexicano Redmond Washington https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/ - Rent Assistance | Asistencia Para la Renta <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/rent-assistance> - Events | Eventos <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/events> - Radio ¡Ya Es Tiempo! <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/listen-to-radio> - Resources | Recursos <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/new-folder> - Programs | Programas <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/programs-programas> - Scholarship | Beca <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/scholarship> - Small Businesses | Pequeños Negocios <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/sbrn> - Seattle Domestic Workers Ordinance <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/dseattle-domestic-workers-ordinance> - Mi Casa | Maker Space <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/79457969> - Makerspace | Espacio de Creación <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/makerspace> - The Time is Now! | ¡Ya Es Tiempo! <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/ya-es-tiempo-2> - Employment Opportunities I Oportunidades de Empleo <https://www.centroculturalmexicano.org/employment> - Mobile Wallet including older models - Is a smart phone enough - offline access - no phone home requirement - get older phones from telcos and manufacturers - Low cost smart phones are often issued to migrants under federal programs (e.g llifeline-program-low-income-consumers <https://www.fcc.gov/general/lifeline-program-low-income-consumers>) - Walmart has a phone for $30, but connectivity is costly and comes and goes. - Biometrics or any scanned artifact - Liveness detection (proof of presence, etc) - will help with back-up and restore - Interoperability - Third-party validation and support programs - often with non-profits (unions, medical) - Audit (ledgers, receipts, log, etc.) - deduplication - Education - Preparese <https://www.preparese.info/> - Western Union or other funds transfer capabilities - https://blackhawknetwork.com/ - Can we help non-profits address and fund these issues - Direct engagement with usda https://www.usda.gov/topics/farming/grants-and-loans Immigrant waiting to Cross the border Note that the details here are taken from the US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) but would equally apply to any controlled border with a surplus of immigrant applicants but with some difference in the details. Each Subject Needs - Approved access to asylum - To understand a set of rules in a language that they do not understand well, if at all - To follow an existing set of asylum rules which have little to do with current events - Some proof that the meet the existing set of rules - A translator that can make it clear to them what else they need to do or to provide - Regular check-ins with Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( border-migrants-cell-phones-cec <https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/05/us/border-migrants-cell-phones-cec/index.html> ) SolutionSeparated Communities There are many reasons why some people choose, or are forced, to live separated from the dominant social order. These include historical, language, religion, economic, family or other social structures that are more congenial or accepting of their own identity. Since the dominant social order typically has the political and economic power to structure society to their own best interests, those living apart are seldom able to exercise their own rights as they choose. Specifically excluded from this category are those people rich enough to travel where and when they desire. Separated communities are found in all nations large enough to give them the space to form. Some such communities include: - indigenous where a foreign people have taken their land in the Americas and elsewhere, - homeless or street people who do have have a safe place to call home, - Roma of Europe and Travelers of Ireland, among others that chose to roam, - Uyghurs of China, Rohingya of Burma, Catalans of Spain and other stateless nations <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stateless_nation>, - any rural population in an industrialized country that chose a quiet, familiar location. Each Subject Needs - Privacy, meaning the right to be let alone, as they often do not want to be assimilated - Access to the same rights and privileges as the bulk of the nation’s people where they live