Sorry for confusion ref content in NOTICE box; I piggy backed on an email I sent to the WG last Monday. Our next RIUP WG meeting is next Tuesday, Oct. 1st ________________________________ From: Isha Chhatwal <ichhatwa@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 10:49 AM To: jim kragh <kragh65@gmail.com> Cc: Tom Jones <thomasclinganjones@gmail.com>; Noreen Whysel. Brett <nwhysel@gmail.com>; Thomas Sullivan <tsullivan@drfirst.com>; Jorge Flores <jorge@entidad.io>; Bev Corwin <bevcorwin@gmail.com>; Salvatore D'Agostino <sal@idmachines.com>; Simone Alcorn <salcorn@easydynamics.com>; Jeff Brennan <jeff_brennan@sbcglobal.net>; Justin Byrd <justin@machi-systems.com>; wg-riup <wg-riup@kantarainitiative.org> Subject: Re: RIUP WG session a week from tomorrow, Oct 1, at 1 PM 🎉 Isha Chhatwal reacted via Gmail<https://www.google.com/gmail/about/?utm_source=gmail-in-product&utm_medium=et&utm_campaign=emojireactionemail#app>