self sovereign ID - is it really?

Thanks for sharing this Bev - I read it to say that it puts privacy in the hands of the subject of the credential. As things stand today this is flat wrong and I think we need to understand why. As Sal has been telling us - we need transparency when asked to share our data. The current spec for that: OID4VP completely fails to provide the user with the information that they need in order to make an informed decision to consent to sharing data. It also fails to work at all in the case where in-person presentation is made and cannot be used in the disaster case mentioned by Justin and Jim. It also fails to allow for delegation and inclusion. Perhaps this will be changed before standardization, but the push to get something done fast argues against that. The linked doc is designed to fix these problems - please come tomorrow prepared to discuss. Comments can be made directly to the doc. ================== Sharing FYI: Security What Is Self-Sovereign Identity, and Could It Impact Higher Education Cybersecurity? Advocates of SSI say the nascent philosophy would put personal data back in the hands of the people. But how realistic is that, and how far away is an actual solution? Peace ..tom jones
participants (1)
Tom Jones