Fw: Call for Comments - EU-U.S. TTC WG1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report Now Open for Feedback and Webinar Save the Date

Thanks Mark. ________________________________ From: Mark Lizar <mark@openconsent.com> Sent: Saturday, January 6, 2024 8:26 AM To: Salvatore D'Agostino <sal@idmachines.com> Subject: Fwd: Call for Comments - EU-U.S. TTC WG1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report Now Open for Feedback and Webinar Save the Date FYI Begin forwarded message: From: The Trade and Technology Dialogue <info@tradeandtechdialogue.com> Subject: Call for Comments - EU-U.S. TTC WG1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report Now Open for Feedback and Webinar Save the Date Date: 5 January 2024 at 10:16:03 GMT-5 To: info@0pn.org [cid:200811b2-999b-45bf-b807-42d4028fdd6c@namprd14.prod.outlook.com] Call for Comments / Save the Date TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (TTC) EU-U.S. TTC WG1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report now open for feedback and webinar Save the Date Dear Mark, Following a successful round of government-to-government technical exchanges earlier this calendar year, in March 2023, the European Commission and the U.S. Government, operating under the auspices of the US-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC), publicly committed to undertake a transatlantic mapping exercise with the objective of finding commonalities between the EU and U.S. approaches to digital identity. Released on December 22, the jointly authored EU-US TTC Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report<https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/EU-US-TTC/news/eu-us-ttc-digital-identity-mapping-exercise-report>, provides the preliminary results of an initial mapping centered on the definitions, assurance levels, and references to international standards included across Revision 3 of the NIST Digital Identity Guidelines (Special Publication 800-63, Revision 3<https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63-3.html>) and European Regulation (EU) No 910/2014<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2014.257.01.0073.01.ENG> on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. The next phase of this project will include collecting feedback and selecting potential use cases for transatlantic cooperation that highlight the need for and value of enabling the cross-border use of digital identities. The European Commission and the U.S. are actively seeking comments from communities with subject matter expertise in digital identity, privacy, human-centered design, and cybersecurity; organisations that have designed or implemented digital identity systems within the EU, the U.S., or in cross-border contexts; and others with equities related to the topic of digital identity. Call for Comments Feedback on the report, as well as use cases and areas of potential U.S.-EU cooperation on digital identity, is requested 5:59 AM CET on March 1, 2024 / 11:59 PM EST on February 29, 2024 and can be submitted via CNECT-H4@ec.europa.eu<mailto:CNECT-H4@ec.europa.eu> or dig-comments@nist.gov<mailto:dig-comments@nist.gov>. Save the Date EU-U.S. TTC Webinar: Unpacking the Digital Identity Mapping Results Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024 Location: Virtual Join the European Commission and NIST for a webinar to: - Hear an overview of the U.S. and EU's efforts to map their digital identity frameworks. - Provide feedback to NIST and the EC on the preliminary results of the mapping exercise. - Weigh in on use cases where future US-EU collaboration could accelerate progress on cross-border interoperability. Further information will follow in due course. We appreciate your feedback, participation, and interest in our efforts. To learn more about our publications, news, and get the latest updates, please visit Futurium<https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/EU-US-TTC>. ________________________________________________________________ Queries & Support If you have any queries ahead of the event, please contact the event manager on the details below. Andrea Evans TTD Events & Outreach Manager info@tradeandtechdialogue.com<mailto:info@tradeandtechdialogue.com> The TTD supports the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council with stakeholder activities and analysis. TTD activities are published on Futurium<https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/EU-US-TTC/pages/eu-us-trade-and-technology-dialogue>. Here, you can also find more information on all TTC Working Groups and make your voice heard by providing written input. For email updates with news, event invitations and research reports from the TTD, subscribe to the TTD Newsletter<https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/ttd/user-subscriptions/2926/create>. [cid:563057ac-979d-4b5c-a63c-ccffe20c0304@namprd14.prod.outlook.com] C/o Forum Europe - EU Office: Square de Meeûs, 37 - 4th floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium This email is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient do not copy or disclose its content and contact the sender immediately. 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participants (1)
Salvatore D'Agostino