MinutesRoll call
Quorum was reached.
Approve minutes
- Approve minutes of UMA telecons 2018-12-06
, 2018-12-13
, 2018-12-20
, 2019-01-10
MOTION to approve minutes of UMA telecons 2018-12-06
, 2018-12-13
, 2018-12-20
, 2019-01-10
UMA business model
The IEEE P7012 presentation
Tim and Eve did in August (listed on the home page) is a fairly thorough
accounting of what we want to put into the mapping doc, but a doc needs to
have full sentences. Eve, Tim, Andi, and Domenico are the subteam already
working on the doc. Do we want to work on the tough questions during some
subsets of the calls? This may also relate to what we called "trust
attacks" in our analysis of the "OAuth/UMA short-circuit attack" about a
year ago.
The gray boxes in the "railroad diagrams" in the back of the UMA Legal Role
Definitions deck represent legal contracts or laws that are invoked by
legal parties outside of/upstream of UMA technical entity interactions.
There are business use cases, such as "little Johnny aging", where the UMA
protocol doesn't understand the changes and we can conceive "messing with"
UMA artifact bonds (such as revoking the PAT) to make the use case happen.
Tim asks: Have there been criticisms/pushback on the presentation? Eve has
talked with people who want to solve these use cases! This is where "IRM"
comes in, on top of UMA. Alec's work in his UMA variation has an AS that is
protected from knowing too much RO personal information, but there still
has to be a legal/business relationship between the AS and RO.
An OAuth RS expects the client to go to the AS first. Adrian's HIE of
One/Trustee business case is to build a directory of Subjects for both
OAuth and UMA RS's to look up what/where their resources are. The Subject's
AS determines what shows in their row in the Directory. Legal relationships
come into picture in a more complex way. They use SSI (uPort) at the AS. So
the credential issuer is separate from the credential holder, and that's
separate again from the client. So in essence it's more loosely coupled
still than the traditional federated identity model of IdP/RP.
The UMA Legal Role Definitions deck uses a paradigm of role boxes that
could be very useful for illustrating a variety of business use cases.
IETF plans
- Contributing the UMA2 specs and next steps
- Sender-constrained RPTs
- Comments on oauth-distributed draft
- Attending IETF 104
We would want to stimulate a conversation at the IETF table, but also not
entirely "blow up" the specs given the level of implementation seen in
UMA2. The deadline for contributions is usually about two weeks before the
meeting. IETF 104 is in Prague <> and
the submission deadline is March 11. The OAuth WG has already asked for
agenda items. Eve is speaking to Hannes T today and could ask for a slot.
Andi could potentially attend for part of it. The remote attendance options
are quite high-quality, so that's an option as well. The OAuth WG usually
will have, say, a Tuesday 90-minute morning slot and a Thursday 90-minute
afternoon slot. The actual contribution starts a serious conversation and
whoever might present on the specs' behalf would have to be prepared.
What's the contribution timeline? The sooner, the better.
Might it be possible to have a conversation at the IETF table about use
cases that Auth0 would like to solve? Certainly "enterprise UMA" use cases
are ones we know are desirable to solve. Many consent-related ("Alice-to-x"
sharing) use cases are proving to be valuable.
*AI:* Eve: Reach out to Prabath and Pedro/John from RH to let them know our
*AI:* Eve: Reach out to Thomas and Justin to look into putting our specs
into contribution-ready form by mid/late February based on WG agreement (we
should vote on it).
*AI:* Eve: Reach out to business model subteam ASAP for next steps on the
draft report.
High assurance of the RO to the RqP
As of 18 Oct 2018, quorum
<> is
5 of 8. (Domenico, Peter, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem)
1. Peter
2. Sal
3. Andi
4. Maciej
5. Eve
6. Cigdem
Non-voting participants:
- Alec
- Thomas
- Tim
- Adrian
- James
- George
- Colin
- Nancy
- Domenico
- Mike
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
MinutesRoll call
Quorum was not reached.
Meeting logistics
- No call on Jan 24 or Jan 31
...unless we've got lots of things under discussion and we've got a chair
pro tem available.
Approve minutes
- Approve minutes of UMA telecons 2018-12-06
, 2018-12-13
, 2018-12-20
Last call: Identiverse call for presentations is open till Jan 11
Eve has one UMA-related submission in the works.
High assurance of the RO to the RqP
- Is Peter available to describe his method of strong binding from Alice
registration time to ensure "high RO IAL" in more detail?
Peter isn't available today.
Alec thought about the general CIBA-ish topic and wondered if the AS could
use request_submitted error path somehow to leverage CIBA to authenticate
the RO and assure the RqP of the RO's identity as required. George notes
that there has been discussion in CIBA about a "questioning API", a la the
old Liberty interaction Service
Eve asks: Isn't identity assurance of some sort the entire point of OIDC on
top of the authorization endpoint? George: Except that this is why CIBA is
about a "back-channel" flow. Hmm, note that what they are calling
"back-channel" is more like "out-of-band", without the use of redirection.
They don't mean asynchronous. There is a "front-channel" interaction with a
device that the user in question was never redirected to. It's an attempt
to synchronize using an asynchronous method. The benefit of UMA is supposed
to be that it's prepared to go totally asynchronous. The request_submitted
error enables some kind of synchronous check with the RO (which perhaps we
could leverage for a forceAuthn check of Alice if we can figure this out).
Can CIBA be turned into a clean Interaction Service that we could then use
for the specific places where it would be valuable, such as the AS checking
the RO and the AS checking the RqP? What questions can be asked of the user
(RO in our use case)? We discussed the concept of a "binding message" (see
binding_message defined here
but its use seems to be limited more to a type of one-time code that
defeats an MITM attack or similar that disrupts messaging between the
consumption and authentication device.
Are there privacy considerations in the RqP learning the RO's identity
information or authentication level at any point before the RqP has been
granted access to the resource? If the RqP has a condition such as "the RO
must have authenticated to level X in the last N minutes", then presumably
those conditions along with the RO's policy conditions must all obtain
before access should be given. Might this affect the UMA set math as well?
Potentially, yes.
*AI:* Eve: Ask Bjorn about availability of GSMA Mobile Connect use cases
that get into more detail than the CIBA section
Is this link <> in the right direction?
George thinks there's a document that is 30-40 pages in length.
Nancy notes that the Apple Health app seems to ask for access to medical
records once, but then gets updates continually thereafter. It's likely
OAuth-based, where she can withdraw consent for that app connection,
pairwise. The model still seems to be "Alice-to-Alice sharing". If Alice
were to want to share a record with Dr. Jones, we now get into use cases
like: Alice wants Dr. Jones to prove he's himself once a month (classic
UMA); Dr. Jones wants Alice to prove that the records from a specialist
that she's sharing with him are truly hers to share (the new CIBA-ish use
cases we're contemplating)...
UMA business model
- Draft report work
Eve got some work done on her draft, with help from Domenico on new
diagrams. She and Tim will try and get together before our next call and
press ahead.
IETF 104 plans
- Resource-indicators
relevance either way?
- Next steps?
The resource-indicators draft seems to mean both "resource server" and
"protected resource". UMA allows for registration of resources, which
spells out the specifics. George suggests that this spec is trying to split
the difference in management overhead level for high-value resources and
low-value resources in splitting the difference in the meaning. We had
previously discussed (but, at the time, discarded) the idea of having
"wildcards" (need to find the specific GitHub issue) when registering
resources, so that you don't have to fully qualify resource names when
registering them. Lots of types of services might have millions of
resources – or put another way, an infinite number of dynamic resources,
depending on how they're created, torn down, etc. Having to register them
in a fully qualified way may be too static, too heavyweight, etc.
The spec binds access tokens to a particular URI. Because most aren't
downscoping their tokens, leakage of tokens will enable too-great service
access for its lifetime. This binding is like an audience check, only for
the original service it was meant for. UMA's equivalent, in part, is the
nature of the RPT and set math, and the fact that it represents
intersection of who wants it and who's granting it. The nature of policy
conditions makes the RPT a bit more "sender-constrained" (that is,
constrained by what the RO wants to happen) by definition, if not in
construction. However, the new reverse-proxy phishing attacks are basically
stealing session cookies, which the RPT is a bit like. We should take a
look at any new mitigations we should be applying along the lines of true
Discussion for next time:
- Sender-constrained RPTs?
- Comments on OAuth-distributed draft?
- Contributing the UMA2 specs?
- Attending IETF 104?
As of 18 Oct 2018, quorum
<> is
5 of 8. (Domenico, Peter, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem)
1. Domenico
2. Sal
3. Eve
Non-voting participants:
- Alec
- George
- Nancy
- Tim
- Peter
- Cigdem
- Mike
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl