Hi all,
A few of us met this week and had a productive discussion about the
disclosed vulnerabilities previously shared with the list. We decided to
hold a series of three meetings to develop and publish a document outlining
conditions and mitigations for implementers.
The calls will be held on our normal bridge and time slot, Thursdays @ 1PM
ET, on the following dates: Nov 7, Nov 21, & Dec 5
Please reach out if you have any questions, or need help adding the meeting
series to your calendar
- Alec
Alec Laws
Engineering | IDENTOS Inc.
[image: mobilePhone] (647)-822-1529
[image: emailAddress] alec(a)identos.ca
[image: twitter] <https://twitter.com/identos_inc>
[image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/identos-inc/>