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, UMA telecon 2021-06-24
, UMA telecon 2021-07-01
, UMA telecon 2021-07-08
, UMA telecon 2021-07-15
, UMA telecon 2021-07-22
, UMA telecon 2021-07-29
UMA in Wikipedia
Anyone familiar to wikipedia to update content?
Can/should the group review and create some more accurate content?
- Alec to create a google doc with the current content for the group to
iterate on
Relationship Manager - user stories
2. As Alice, I want a way to grant Bob access to my resources without
knowing the URLs, in order to a) not deal with URLs b) share more complex
resources (ex not a PDF, a health record)
The RS registers a name and description at the AS, which is how Alice can
differentiate resources
In the FR impl, the RS after registering a resource, saves the resource id
(and other metadata), and *then* generates the URL. The URL is created
after registration, which is what Alice is meant to share with Bob. There
was also resource discovery at the RS, that would allow the RqP to query
based on specific other claims, this feature is turned on by the RO for
each resource. Part of the random URL strategy was to improve the privacy
of including information in the URL, instead of sharing you can share<uuid> without leaking
The URI registration would allow RqP discovery of resources across RSs. If
we consider discovery as a layer ontop on UMA, we can separate the mappings
from the authorization path. The URL can change over time, the RS can
update the URL separate from any discovery needs.
The RS can also define the hierarchy of policy and groups many resources in
a single resource registration, ie taking 1000 or URLs and putting
registering a single resource.
When does an AS become as RS to expose a list of protected/available
resources? Doesn't necessarily need to be the AS, or can be a separate url
discovery service. Registration can be 1-n, not 1-1 eg many resources in
one registration. If there are public/private photos, then a request for a
public photo can include all public photo resource id, a request for a
private resource includes only the single resource id. The registered
resources could be 'public photos' and 'private photos'.
What is the UX of Alice managing her resources and policy? What is the UX
of Bob being granted access to resources? Where does sharing occur, from
the RS or AS?
The idea of a privacy wallet, people keep a record of their identity
relationships themselves. That ANCR record defines the PII controller and
contact info. Creates a privacy rights access point, in addition to the
policy. People can broadcast their services for discovery. This is done so
that on each new session the user can compare the privacy statement against
the previously agreed to one.
How does Bob reach out to Alice's resources in order to determine where to
go? Alice sends a receipt with her policy to Bob, including a URI to the
calendar (or to her Privacy Wallet?). If the URI is to his calendar, then
Bob can start an UMA flow. Bob would end up with receipts for Alice's AS
and her calendar service
Privacy aspects are internal to the AS today in UMA, or are implementation
specific. Alice shares a purpose, which must be mapped to authorization for
Bob. UMA isn't prescriptive about scopes, there can be a scope such as
'do_not_share' that tell Bob's client to not retransmit to 3rd parties.
However these scopes are legal by nature and not technically enforced. The
RqP/Client can need to push claims declaring their agreements (eg a
receipt) that include the PII controller who is taking custodianship of the
information granted to Bob.
Just as discovery is capability on top on UMA, the privacy framework can be
a profile on top of UMA. It provides implementation specifics where
end-user legal privacy controls are required. Could this use UMA resource
scopes sufficiently cover this? Or the claims pushing of a new claim_type
eg a ANCR receipt/rights claim?…
1. As Bob(RqP), I want to be able to discover resources available/shared
with me, in order to not need URLs sent by Alice
2. As a Client, I want to be able to declare types I understand, in
order to successfully use complex APIs
3. As an RS, I want to defer permission ticket creation, in order to a)
not have to understand the Client b) not make authZ decisions (tell me
don’t make me think)
4. As an ASO, I want to pre-register Clients, in order to assess their
appropriateness, capability and complete non-technical activities
5. As a Client, I want to pre-register with ASs, in order to a) test my
UX and technical integrations b) declare my capabilities
As of October 26, 2020, quorum
<> is
5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)
1. Domenico
2. Alec
Non-voting participants:
1. George
2. Ian
3. Scott
1. Steve
I just noticed that there are five different language versions <> of the User-Managed Access entry in Wikipedia. Neat. The page(s) could use some updates to reflect UMA 2.0, deployments of same, scenarios, new work, and so on. Anyone up for contributing a few edits?
Eve Maler | cell and Signal +1 425.345.6756
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, UMA telecon 2021-06-17
, UMA telecon 2021-06-24
, UMA telecon 2021-07-01
, UMA telecon 2021-07-08
, UMA telecon 2021-07-15
, UMA telecon 2021-07-22
Relationship Manager - user stories
1. As an ASO, I want to allow Alice to bring a resource management UX,
in order to not provide this myself
1. Today, the AS must provide some interface for Alice to see her
registered resources (uri) and the policy for each resource→RqP. Core UMA
has some implication that Alice can 'bring her own AS'
2. As discussed last time, Alice may need to work with many AS's, and
sometimes that is out of her control
3. A challenge may be that Alice needs to authenticate uniquely to
each AS? Alice will authenticate at an IDP, and there can be federation
4. IN RM draft
1. Instead of Alice managing resources in several AS UXs, she can
use her single RM to manage her resources. In some cases, the
existence of
multiple ASs can be hidden from her
2. The concept of the PAT is changed, such that a PAT represents
the entire RS (all ROs) and the resource negotiate between
the RS and AS
are the types, not specific resources
1. There's not necessarily a RO specific PAT, as the RS's API
may not support user context in the path, even if it does
there is a
challenge around getting RO specific uris to the RqP
2. ex an RS api `/me/profile` the RS get's a ticket that
represents that type of resource, and during claims
gathering the AS is
able to determine the specific profile to return to the
client. The RS
learns the specific profile either by inspecting the RPT or through
3. Some initial goals of RM were to make a 'zero knowledge' AS. An
AS that doesn't need to see end-user identity claims.
Identity federation
happens to the RM, the RM then registers RqP policy against
RS→RM resource
ids. The AS is only learning resource ids, and conveying to
the RS during
specific transaction. The RS is responsible to resolve the
resource id to
the right RO information
4. As there are more RS specified AS's, there are also new needs
for federation or mutual trust between those ASs to get back to widest
possible ecosystems. This is OOS of RM but could be achieved
through other
governance registries or discovery services
2. As Alice, I want a way to grant Bob access to my resources without
knowing the URLs, in order to a) not deal with URLs b) share more complex
resources (ex not a PDF, a health record)
1. Today, all of Alices resources are registered with the AS
independently, however this doesn't include any specific URI.
Therefore she
needs to get URIs for the RS, and somehow know which registered
resource id
corresponds to what URI(s). How does Alice know what at the AS means what
URI to the RS?
2. In some reference impls, the RS creates a new URI that is directly
linked to the registered resource.
3.,, →
registered at the AS → (type:pdf, scope) x3 → (randomid1, randomid2,
1. the RS keeps track of relationship from public uri and internal
AS registered id. The RS writes RqP policy to the AS against
the randomidN.
2. This RS performs on RM behaviour instead of making Alice
interact with the AS at all
4. there are also challenges exposing URIs AT ALL to Alice and Bob,
if the URI includes any PI all parties can see it, even if they're not
authorized. Best Practice: NO URIs are human readable
5. Today this is somewhat addressed as URIs don't leave 'digital
space' we share them through copy/paste, not through analogue means
6. There are more challenge with URI sharing when the number of
resource is very large or are dynamically create (such as FHIR
observations created by a device)
7. Another FHIR complication is querying by time frame...
1. some ways to address through 'shortcut' scopes like
'last_three_month', 'not_before=<timestamp>'
2. This is better addressed by Rich Authorization Request. There
are still challenges with UMA async, Alice can't consider all possible
authorization requests ahead of time. Alice is smart but she
can't see the
3. As Bob(RqP), I want to be able to discover resources
available/shared with me, in order to not need URLs sent by Alice
4. As a Client, I want to be able to declare types I understand, in
order to successfully use complex APIs
5. As an RS, I want to defer permission ticket creation, in order to a)
not have to understand the Client b) not make authZ decisions (tell me
don’t make me think)
6. As an ASO, I want to pre-register Clients, in order to assess their
appropriateness, capability and complete non-technical activities
7. As a Client, I want to pre-register with ASs, in order to a) test my
UX and technical integrations b) declare my capabilities
As of October 26, 2020, quorum
<> is
5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)
1. Alec
2. Eve
Non-voting participants:
1. Scott
2. Zhen
1. Steve
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, UMA telecon 2021-06-17
, UMA telecon 2021-06-24
, UMA telecon 2021-07-01
, UMA telecon 2021-07-08
, UMA telecon 2021-07-15
Relationship Manager - user stories
- *Alice must know the RS exists*
- *The RS may not be able to trust ANY AS*
- The RS MUST provide UX for the user to receive URLs
- The AS MUST provide UX to establish policy
- Alice must collect and share resource URLs with Bob
- The Client must understand the type of the resource at the URL
- The RS must determine the acceptable scope for the client from a URL
- The AS may not be able to trust ANY Client
Which motive these stories:
Alice=RO, Bob=RqP, RM=Relationship Manager, RSO=Resource Server
Operator, ASO=authorization server owner
Medical Records has a complex joint-custodian/owner situation. Alice is the
subject of the record, however the RS has a responsibility to protect the
records. Today all EMRs do typically have authorization setup for internal
(ie staff) access to information. A separate UMA AS could be used to manage
patient access to their records to other consumer health applications. This
AS can be trusted by more than one EMR so that the health apps dont' have
to integrate with each EMR (and vice versa).
What does this mean for Bob, Hosp 1 trust ASa and ASb, and Hosp 2 trusts
ASb, ASc. Bob needs to understand which AS's can facilitate his access to
which Hospitals, and therefore may use different ASs.
1. As Alice(RO), I need a way to discover available RSs, in order to
learn about resources I own
1. Today in UMA, it 'assumed' that Alice i) knows of the RS, and the
the RS can expose ii) those URLs to Alice in some way
2. Is this analogous to the web without search engines? you have to
know explicit links to all your documents
3. There are two challenges, Knowing custodian of resources and
knowing the specific locations of those resources
4. In the RM draft,
1. it assumes that Alice knows the custodian. However the list of
custodians are registered either at the AS or with a
different registry
(discovery information for RM, can facilitate Dynamic Client
eg RS trusts AS, so RS trusts RM) the relationship manager can
also be a conformance profile manager for the RS
2. the custodian tells Alice the specific urls of her resources
through the API
2. As an RSO, I need to trust a limited set of compliant ASs, in
order to meet my obligations to protect resources
1. Today, An RS is meant to trust any AS brought forward by a RO
(ByoAS) over that RO's resources
2. For a 'regulated' RS/custodian, it can't delegate authorization to
ANY AS.. The RS may have 1 AS that allows edit scopes, while it
may be more
open to patient read
3. In the RM draft
1. The RS doens't need to register every specific resource with an
AS, the specific resource information is conveyed to the RM
and then to the
AS. Instead the RS has a more general trust in the AS "I
trust you to issue
access tokens at all".
2. There are two bits of an RS given our a resource i) the access
token was issued by an AS it trusts ii) the access token conveys
information that was given the to the RM (the return trip to the RS
includes proof from the RO) (ALEC MAKE A PICTURE)
3. As Alice, I need a way to work with many ASs, in order to use ones
required by my RSs
1. Today in UMA, Alice works with her AS and brings it to each RS
that holds her resources. In a world where the RS restricts or sets the
available ASs, Alice has a greater need to work with more than one AS. If
Alice does work with multiple ASs, it's implied that each AS
offers it own
UX/authentication, this is not ideal for Alice.
2. In the RM draft,
1. a RM has an API with the AS, and can work with multiple ASs by
2. The RM is the RO nexus between RSs and ASs, which the AS is the
nexus between RSs and RPs (ALEC MAKE A PICTURE)
4. As an RSO, I want to allow Alice to bring a resource management
UX, in order to not provide this myself
1. Today, the RS must provide some interface for Alice to see her
available resources (uri) and which resource is registered at each AS
2. We're talking about the UXO=user experience owner
3. this might be a good place to put into use the blinding identity
in relationship manager... it could check to see if these are
necessary and if possibly blinded..
4. In the RM,
1. *Alice has a single place to manage all her resource i) see all
available resources across all RS ii) see all registered
resources at which
ASs iii) manage policy of those registered resources at each AS*
5. As an ASO, I want to allow Alice to bring a resource management
UX, in order to not provide this myself
1. Today, the AS must provide some interface for Alice to see her
registered resources (uri) and the policy for each resource->RqP
6. As Alice, I want a way to grant Bob access to my resources without
knowing the URLs, in order to a) not deal with URLs b) share more complex
resources (ex not a PDF, a health record)
7. As Bob(RqP), I want to be able to discover resources available/shared
with me, in order to not need URLs sent by Alice
8. As a Client, I want to be able to declare types I understand, in
order to successfully use complex APIs
9. As an RS, I want to defer permission ticket creation, in order to a)
not have to understand the Client b) not make authZ decisions (tell me
don’t make me think)
10. As an ASO, I want to pre-register Clients, in order to assess their
appropriateness, capability and complete non-technical activities
11. As a Client, I want to pre-register with ASs, in order to a) test my
UX and technical integrations b) declare my capabilities
Sal touched up the ANCR notes from last week UMA telecon 2021-07-15
As of October 26, 2020, quorum
<> is
5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)
1. Steve
2. Alec
3. Sal
4. Andi
Non-voting participants:
1. Kay
2. Scott
MinutesRoll call
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- Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2021-06-10
, UMA telecon 2021-06-17
, UMA telecon 2021-06-24
, UMA telecon 2021-07-01
, UMA telecon 2021-07-08
ANCR/UMA initial understanding…
Short flow
1. Alice visit's Bob's Organization(site/service) website
2. Bob returns a notice that references a third party registry
3. Alice is able to independently lookup Bob's notice from the registry
4. Alice requests a notarized receipt from the registry, including Bob's
notice and her Rights (eg the law's of the country she lives in)
5. Alice includes this receipt in requests as she interacts with Bob's
6. Bob is able to use the receipt token to interact with Alice's
information, either in requests for authorization/information (eg as a
ANCR current state: documentation of the receipt: Bob's notice, Alice's
rights assertion, the notarized ANCR receipt
Next steps: Getting ANCR receipt fields to be part of the ISO 27560 consent
receipt 1.2 spec, publish within Kantara. Move from receipt definition to
flows/protocol integrations
The receipt creates transparency for Alice to discover and understand the
sites/services terms, controller, etc. Steps 1-5 would be part of a
Browser/extension implementation and could be broadcasted through headers
(for example). Alice could include in her notarized receipt where BOb's
service could discover her information, eg her UMA Auth server or relevant
resource locations.
>From initial contact, Alice is able to monitor service term changes through
the registry. The 'registry' doesn't necessarily need to be a 3rd party,
the site itself could host this to achieve the transparency outcome. Self
assertion like this can still reference third parties, who don't need to
know about ANCR. For example in the UK there is a public business registry
with the Controllers listed, the site itself can reference that endpoint.
Can a service be registered with multiple registries? yes
ANCR is having an off cycle meeting 1130(?) Monday. They usually meet
Wednesday at 1030ET
Advanced Notice and Consent Receipt: Advanced Notice & Consent Receipt -
Anyone attending HIMSS?
IDENTOS will have some representation there (not Alec), presenting their
TrustSphere project in BC
Has Kantara ever provided funding support to attend/present posters/papers?
Kantara is open for funding requests, if interested please reach out to
Alec(or any WG chair) and they'll help with the request to the Leadership
Council. Largely attendance have been self-funded
Relationship Manager - user stories
Review the Diagram:…
Last week we got into the details and questions around discovery. It may
not need to be part of the core UMA AS function, and could be a 3rd service
specification (with some intersection to the ANCR registry concepts)
Implementing the UMA spec is not enough, need to have use-cases to fill the
gaps and details (and to 'get creative'). This has made interop challenging
between implementations. There's a bunch of work around UMA that are
required to show implementation. Maybe a simple interop profile around a
use-case would allow us to show us working together. One example, who owns
+ stores the PAT. Communicating the handle (uri) from RO to RqP
Please welcome Kay Chopard as the new Kantara Executive Director!
As of October 26, 2020, quorum
<> is
5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)
1. Steve
2. Alec
3. Sal
Non-voting participants:
1. Zhen
2. Scott