Thanks, Tim! Note: I may be a tiny bit late starting today's call.

Eve (sent from my iPhone, possibly with Siri's "help": +1-425-345-6756)

On May 26, 2017, at 3:19 AM, Tim Reiniger <> wrote:

Here is the paper for today’s call.




From: [] On Behalf Of Eve Maler
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9:37 PM
Subject: [WG-UMA] Reminder: Legal subgroup call is on for tomorrow (Friday) morning


Tim and I met earlier this week, and he will have a revision of deliverable #2 and news about the direction of deliverable #3 for us. Our legal framework is starting to shape up!


I can also share news of a talk I gave at a legal conference yesterday, and we can discuss the prospect of a Kantara-wide Legal WG, if time.

Eve Maler (sent from my iPad) | cell +1 425 345 6756

<UMA Legal Model Deliverable 2 Paper.docx>