This topic is on the agenda for discussion tomorrow. In the case of issue 153/154, at least, there seems to be a definite leaning in the direction of deferral. If we lean that way for similar fundamental breaking issues, I added a column to the issue spreadsheet <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s27E3JsHdvl_UzhGkQ8ZWP2dnyAXQAj5sxEy2GnOLv4/edit?usp=sharing> to imagine what the patch release workload might look like. The cells in bright yellow are my new proposals/questions for us to consider. You’ll also notice that I have proposed discussing and closing several issues tomorrow, in the pinkish color (mauve?). Judging by our past work cadence, we can likely meet our agreed timeline if we go in the deferral direction. If we don’t, we probably need to seriously rethink the timeline and release strategy. If you’ve got thoughts on the yellow cells ahead of the call (particularly if you can’t make the call), feel free to weigh in on this thread. Thanks, Eve Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: xmlgrrl@gmail.com