Hi once again, Eve, I've copied a list of email issues here from Wikipedia, and I'm wondering which issues could be fixed by a non-specific authorization-enhanced mail system. I pre-filled some cells.

Email Issue Authorization-Enhanced Mail System
Attachment size limitation UMA Resource Server (AEMS draft)
Information overload UMA policy
Spam UMA policy
Malware UMA policy
Email spoofing UMA Authorization Server
Email bombing
Privacy concerns UMA ...
Legal contracts UMA consent
Flaming UMA policy
Email bankruptcy
Tracking of sent mail UMA … (delivery verifying)


On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 2:24 AM Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
Hi Igor and all,

I don’t think this was brought up in our previous conversations about AEMS, but: Someone just directed my attention to the Hey.com service, which is described as “consent-based” because it includes what they call “the Screener”, part of the service that allows you to decide whether you want to hear from someone before you ever receive the email. I’d call this a policy, actually. Sound familiar? :-) This service seems to have some very nice UX features that UMA/AEMS might want to emulate, for whatever it’s worth.

On 29 Sep 2020, at 5:30 AM, Igor Zboran <izboran@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve found that the topic of healthcare is quite popular among UMAnitarians. Although AEMS has been designed as a general or enterprise-oriented system, I think that it also meets the specific needs of the healthcare sector. To demonstrate the feasibility of the UMA/Email idea, I decided to build proof of concept. The full source code will be available in the public GitHub repository https://github.com/uma-email/poc. Any help welcomed.

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