
Roll call

Quorum was not reaching.

Approve minutes


Force-rank use cases

What's A and what's B in terms of priority (since we probably can't get more "rank-y" than that)? John W suggests working from "likelihood of error occurring" and "impact of the error". The other factor is "detectability of the error". If the exploit is 100% undetectable, that's bad. This is a good way to prioritize #security work (which is overtly about bugs). For feature work prioritization, we had talked about gathering "customer need" in 2016 or 2017. Mike adds that this could include "developer adoption" – so are we targeting developers and deployers both? "Customers" would typically mean those who know they need UMA. "Developer adoption" is about building community among those who may not know they "need UMA" yet. (This is what Adrian's goal is around an always-on AS, to entice RS and client developers.) George questions that UMA should be looking for adoption in the OAuth fashion.

How do we define #wideeco? If we correctly define mechanisms for dynamic onboarding of disparate parties, wouldn't it be the case that the narrower ecosystems would tend to use those mechanisms to build their deployments? The question is whether dynamic mechanisms add too much overhead for static partnerships to be willing to use. So maybe it's not just about correct definition of mechanisms; it's about a continuum of needs. There's definitely a tension present around when to optimize for #wideeco, and what our options are. It's not just about how to gather claims securely from Bob when his claims providers and Alice's AS-as-a-claims-client have not pre-established trust between them. There are other considerations as well, as we look at the broader implications of what "value-add features" are desired.

AI: Eve and James: Share technical paper/thoughts on potential solutions to "Bob when his claims providers and Alice's AS-as-a-claims-client have not pre-established trust between them"

So far – all still being discussed:

#IoT (Eve), #APIsec, #fedauthz, #RSctrl, #ROctrl, #wideeco (Adrian, Justin), #trust, #security (Justin, Eve)

Justin adds a vote for the issues he submitted that have to do with implementation simplification and, in some cases, making it an OAuth extension grant (?). This needs a new "hashtag".

AI: Eve: Add a #simplification label and add the self-contained token discussion to that issue.

John W notes that constraining sharing based on geolocation would be a good idea. Eve suggests adding an issue on this.

AI: Eve: Set up one more round of ad hoc #239 meetings next week, in hopes of finishing then.

Validation of self-contained token discussion on that back channel:

Charter revision


Use case work

See the issue #239 meeting series email thread for the continuing notes on that.


As of 20 Jan 2016, quorum is 7 of 12. (Evariste, François, Domenico, Kathleen, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Søren, Mike)

  1. Eve
  2. Mike
  3. Kathleen
  4. Andi

Non-voting participants:


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl