Let's celebrate reaching Recommendation status by taking Thursday off. :-) In the meantime, please be thinking about 2018 roadmap items, and please review the (updated) Release Notes, (updated) UIG, (not-updated but badly in need of it) FAQ, (not-updated but badly in need of it) Wikipedia entry/ies, PbD paper, and other collateral.

I will be spending time this week updating IANA with our registration request info and new links, and sorting out other necessary stuff.

Tim will have a Draft 7c of the Business Model document ready for us to peruse on Friday's Legal call.

We are meeting next week (Jan 18-19).

We are not meeting the following week (Jan 25-26) because I've got some Data Privacy Day obligations. (By the way, if you're in the Bay Area, I'm speaking on "GDPR, PSD2, CIAM, and the Role of User-Managed Access 2.0" at the Silicon Valley IAM Meetup on January 24, so please join me!)

Congratulations and thanks again to all the UMAnitarians on reaching the UMA2 milestone!

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl