Jim and I have been meeting frequently (Andrew and I a bit less so) and working on some homework to show y'all. Here is a description of the deliverables we're working on, which we'll be asking you to review -- and Andrew with his "business owner" hat on to review in more depth come January, if it passes muster in the group:
Some technical considerations of the CommonAccord (CmA) mechanism -- which we know our "first customer", Andrew, can't directly consume but will have to translate into something like MSFT Word for actual consumption -- that we would like to work on (but likely won't have ready immediately) include:
  • A round-trip CmA format<->JSON mapping
  • A lightweight mechanism for technical integrity, so that the web location where an entire agreement gets saved off to contains within its URL a hash of the agreement itself

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl