As requested on the last call, I’ve taken an axe to the UMA specification and incorporated text and concepts from the MPD proposal sets. The new spec text (still rough in many spots) is available here: https://github.com/jricher/wg-uma/commits/mpd-rewrite <https://github.com/jricher/wg-uma/commits/mpd-rewrite> Specifically, this difference set: https://github.com/jricher/wg-uma/commit/ae82fe797229827e0cd3dfc2264268ea36b... <https://github.com/jricher/wg-uma/commit/ae82fe797229827e0cd3dfc2264268ea36b31929> I added language on PCT’s (based on the model I outlined in the other thread), I changed the “scopes” parameter to “permission_scopes” as in the MPD implementation, I changed the interaction and examples to use the token endpoint for the RPT request, I moved the discovery document to .well-known/uma2-configuration and fixed a couple parameters, and I incorporated the rotating ticket mechanism from the security extension we wrote this spring. Sorry it’s all in one commit, but I found it easier on my end to just plow through the whole spec. — Justin