https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+telecon+2018-01-18 MinutesRoll call Quorum was reached. Approve minutes Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2018-01-04 <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+telecon+2018-01-04>: APPROVED by unanimous consent. Update on logo Eve reported out on Kantara's feedback and the decision on the "blue circle, green 2" version. We should prepare different sizes and an SVG version. *AI:* Domenico: Prepare the different logo versions needed. *AI:* Eve: Put the different logo versions on the wiki. Meeting schedule update - No meetings next week On the Thursday, if you're interested, check out the livestream of Data Privacy Day <https://staysafeonline.org/data-privacy-day/>. Update on auxiliary materials - FAQ and Wikipedia entries need attention You can get to the FAQ by going to http://tinyurl.com/umafaq. Eve has a personal action item to add FAQ links to known and forthcoming known books that discuss UMA. Here is Mike's: Deploying Identity and Access Management with Free Open Source Software <https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484226001>. Mike/Gluu offers to do some Wikipedia entry editing. BTW, his book is scheduled to come out July 1st! The UMA2 chapter should be done in a couple of weeks. Domenico is willing to continue doing the Italian entry translation once Mike/Gluu has done a revision to the English one. Brief report on OAuth WG interim meetings Eve attended a meeting on a "distributed OAuth <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardt-oauth-distributed-00>" draft, and Eve along with Justin attended a meeting on a "mutual OAuth" draft (now updated <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardt-oauth-mutual-02>). She shared some UMA background related to the as_loc discovery method, federated authorization, and some of the lessons UMAnitarians have learned as a result, on the theory that they may be relevant to the "distributed OAuth" topic. UMA Legal update and draft Report discussion/WG vote We need to do a bit more editing and share a PDF with WG members (maybe just individually at this point) after tomorrow's editing session. Then the WG would be ready for a vote. They need more time for a proper reading and review. 2018 charter and roadmap discussion - Potential items: - Joint consent receipt work - Working on issues with the "extension" label - Legal framework/business model - What else? We do need to refresh our charter, and some things are coming up as extension ideas among those talking to/working with customers on UMA stuff that we should put on the roadmap list! HEART has two UMA-related profiles; some stuff in there is a bit more "extension-ish" than "profile-ish". There is also a Pensions Dashboard profile (not extension). Attendees As of 7 Mar 2017, quorum is 4 of 7. (Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem) 1. Domenico 2. Sal 3. Andi 4. Eve 5. Mike Non-voting participants: - James - Tim *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl